Saturday, February 7, 2009

Virtual Pet

I have been taking care of my virtual pet cat Katsumapopo. He feels really drowsy now and needs to engage in some activities. He loves having fun.

My real cat Frisky was hit by a pick-up and sustained serious injuries to the head, so I have been nursing him for the past 2 weeks. Now he is able to eat and drink. He can also walk but sad to say that he is blind. That makes me soooo sad.

New literacies in Methods Course

It seems that things are winding down for me in the MA in New Literacies course. I am in the process of refining my research questions and looking at a theoretical framework for the research. Not sure what the final product will be .

But i have something interesting going on with student teachers in my methods course. They seem excited about new literacies that i have incorporated in the course. Students are expected to participate in an online discussion. A discussion board has been set up for them. Consistent with the philosophical aim of the Associate Degree in Education Program i am making a deliberate attempt to develop the teacher as a reflective practitioner. So students are to engage in ongoing reflection through blogging. I am looking forward to the valuable lessons that this intervention will teach us.